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Sexual Harassment & Sexual Assault

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault in the Workplace

Sexual-Harassment & Sexual AssaultSexual harassment and assault in the workplace are crimes according to federal law and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). The law protects vulnerable employees from assault and harassment from other people in their work environment. Sadly, sexual harassment and assault cases are still prevalent in California, Nevada, and throughout the US.

Failure to report these cases and take legal action against the individual only enables them and allows this behavior to continue. If you have suffered this type of harassment in the workplace, consider hiring a competent and experienced sexual harassment lawyer to represent you.

Types of Sexual Harassment

There are two general categories of sexual harassment under California and Federal Law:

Quid pro quo sexual harassment: This is the type of harassment involving a senior staff member and a junior member. In most cases, the authority figure threatens the junior with employment termination or withdrawal of certain benefits if they refuse to offer sexual favors.

Hostile Working Environment: This is the term more commonly used in many workplaces to describe harassment in the workplace. The law defines a hostile work environment as one in which you are exposed to unwelcome sexual conduct.

You should take legal action if your employer has subjected you to this type of behavior.

Examples of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sometimes it can be difficult to report sexual assault and harassment. If you have attempted to complain internally, and you feel as if your complaints are falling on deaf ears–the best way to proceed is to consult a lawyer.

Common examples of sexual harassment in the workplace include:

  • Unwelcome sexual comments in person or online
  • Sexually suggestive touching without consent
  • Sexually suggestive staring
  • Invading personal spaces or impeding movements
  • Making repeated sexual advances
  • Asking someone out on dates repeatedly even though they have said no
  • Posting or showing sexually explicit content in the workplace
  • Emailing and messaging unsolicited pornographic content

This is not an exhaustive list of what qualifies as sexual harassment. Consulting a lawyer that specializes in workplace sexual harassment will help you understand your rights and what the law considers sexual harassment.

Workplace Sexual Assault in California

Sexual assault is when someone touches intimate parts of another against their will for sexual abuse, arousal, or gratification.

What to Do When You Are a Victim of Sexual Assault

Sexual harassment and assault cases can be confusing, frustrating, and overwhelming to handle alone. However, you shouldn’t tolerate such behaviors due to fear of retribution.

The first thing you need to do if you’re a victim of assault is to seek immediate medical attention. Seeking medical attention also helps prove that the assault occurred. This is because your doctor will write a report, which could be crucial evidence in the event you proceed with litigation against the assaulter.

Contact Our San Francisco Workplace Sexual Assault And Harassment Lawyer

Most importantly, contact a knowledgeable sexual assault and harassment attorney like Melody Rissell Leonard with the Rissell Law Firm to learn more about your legal options. Melody will fight alongside you to hold the other party accountable for their actions. Contact Melody today to schedule a free, confidential case review.

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    201 Spear Street Suite 1100
    San Francisco, CA 94105


    100 Spectrum Center Drive
    Suite 900 Irvine, CA 92618

    Phone Number:

    (415) 874-7288 | (714) 881-5988

    Fax Number:

    (415) 874-7292